Cigar Afficionado? Cigar Row is an ISES member who attended Event World in Dallas earlier this month, and it brought back memories.

Cigars Parties and Events for Corporate

Growing up I was more of a tom boy.  I loved hanging out with the boys.

Once I learned to play poker I never looked back!  (I was in my 20's silly, how young did you think I was talking about)?

When I moved to Austin after college the "Cigar and Martini" bars were an upcoming trend.  Bars would showcase a creative martini menu and upscale environment which included 'cigar rooms' for your puffing enjoyment.  I loved it!  I tried my first apple-tini in one DELISH!

At The Pearl of Havana Fundraising Gala  I produced in 2007 carried a 1950's Cuban theme, which included a cigar lounge.  Needles to say it was a popular hang out area the night of the event, even for the co-chairs below.

There are a number of ways that you can incorporate cigars into your corporate event, celebration, bachelor party or hey, JUST THE GIRLS poker night party!